Vintage kelim rug with stylized tulips, presumably Swedish, in burnt colors, orange, brown, yellow, green

Price: 3,800.- DKK

Item number: 477160

Description: Flat-woven kelim rug, presumably from Sweden - and purchased in Sweden - with stylized tulips in beautiful burnt colors: beige, orange, yellow and brown tones. The rug has different colors on each side, presumably due to exposure to sunlight. One side is mostly yellow, gray, green, beige, while the other side is more orange, brown, green, beige. Length: 2.35 meters without fringes. 2.50 meters with fringes. 1.82 meters wide. Good condition with normal wear.

SKU 2570
This item can be purchased at:
Quirky Sundays Antik & Vintage
Houvej 74
5953 Tranekær